お洒落でセンスのあるお魚缶詰を見つけちゃいました!その名も「Ça va(サヴァ)缶」!フランス語で「お元気ですか?」を意味する”Ça va”とお魚の「鯖」を掛け合わせたネーミングなんですo(*’o’*)o

How cute this label is! This is a canned trout produced in Iwate prefecture.In 2013 this product called “Ça va can” was launched to help the restoration of Tohoku area after 2011 earth quake and tsumami.”Ça va” means “How are you?” in French and sounds similar to “saba” in Japanese to mean trout.This time we put some canned trout on pizza as one of the toppings!
