そんな、関東近郊の漁港食堂がまとまっている本を発見!「東京湾相模湾駿河湾 旨い魚を探す旅 漁港食堂」(オークラ出版)です。作者のうぬまいちろうさんは、イラストレーターで全国の漁場に足を運び、食堂を巡っているのだそうです。

We just love to visit harbor restaurants, on the way home of fishing near the sea!😋
We found a book full of harbor restaurants around Kanto!
The title is ‘Tokyo Bay Sagami Bay Suruga Bay The trip to find tasty fish Harbor Restaurant’, published by Okura-Shuppan. ✨
I want to visit Numazu, with an old good restaurant and a facility to eat or buy many kinds of seafood. We can even watch the fish auction!❤

