参加者の中に板前さんがいらっしゃり、浜辺で捌いてくださいました。見ていてうっとりするほどの手さばき! 完成したお刺身は、口当たりがとにかくなめらかで美味しい脂が口の中に広がります。私たちは釣っていないのに、食べるだけ食べてすみません(>_<;)笑 ごちそうさまでした☆

There was a good catch of “Inada”(Young Japanese Yellowtail Amber Jack) in the SUPfishing competition. At the event there were even some professional chefs… Yes! They would cut and present the fish right in front of you!
The finished sashimi was….mmm just melts in your mouth and so fatty and delicious.I felt guilty because all I did was eat and not the fishing ..oops hehe.Yummy yummy in my tummy ☆fantastic!
