九州は、水の中にいる魚が多くて釣りが楽しいし、ご飯も美味しいので何回行っても「また行きたいなぁ」と思わせてくれる最高の場所(о´∀`о)♪ 初秋のいい思い出ができました❤

We came to Kyushu♪ My friend took me to Fukuoka, Saga, Kumamoto, Nagasaki… so many places♪
This time, we tried to catch various types of fish in the sea using a lure, and ate the fish we caught in the mountain stream. Kyushu’s sea has a outline of solitary fish, and the meals are so great! I can’t help thinking of Kyushu, even I’ve been there so many times(о´∀`о)♪
