船の上でも仕掛けやエサをどうやって使えばいいのか、丁寧に教えてもらえました!「“コンッコンッ”というアタリ(手応え)が来るよ!」という言葉のとおり、本当にドアのノックみたいな感触が!(笑) 大きいカワハギが釣れてすごく嬉しかったです♪

Hey guys! Part 2 of my experience on fishing the “Kawahagi” thread sail file fish.The staff told me that I will feel a “Knock knock” when the fish is caught all the rod. Sure enough I heard the knock! Cool right?I caught a very big one and was so happy.
I used a clan for the bait. People say that Filefish is an expert on catching the bait. Some times my rod will come back with the bait eaten:( what a battle with a fish haha.
